
“God has prepared for Himself one great song of praise throughout eternity, and those who enter the community of God join in this song.”
Dietrich Boenhoffer

Local Missions

Harvest’s outreach begins at home and stretches across the globe. While we are strong supporters of several overseas missionaries, we believe outreach needs to start here in our own community and in our own country. Harvest supports local ministries such as Options Pregnancy Clinic, Faith Community Health, Elevate Branson, and Christian Action Ministries with our gifts of finances and volunteer service.

Overseas Missions

Harvest also supports several overseas missionaries and has sent out many of “our own” on short-term trips.

Zaragosa, Mexico

Beginning in 2009  we sent our first team to Zaragoza, Mexico and have made subsequent trips.  We have been committed to helping the pastor serve not only the Divino Salvador Church but also other churches he travels to.  We’ve been able to help him secure a newer truck to meet the needs of rough long road trips.  We are excited to see the incredible work God is doing in this and neighboring communities through the Divino Salvador church members and pray that, by God’s grace, Harvest will be able to continue to provide encouragement and support to the people of Zaragoza.